Book review: Havana by Mark Kurlansky

Havana by Mark KurlanskyHavana by Mark Kurlansky
Havana by Mark Kurlansky
Havana is one of my favourite cities. Full of colour and adventure and with so many quirky folk living in it!

Mark clearly loves it to, that is apparent from his wonderful book which brings the Cuban city to life. Mark presents an insider's view of Havana, the elegant, tattered city he has come to know and love over more than 30 years.

Part cultural history, part travelogue, with recipes, historic engravings, photographs and Kurlansky's own pen and ink drawings throughout, this book is a must.

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Havana has a rich history, from the native Taino to Columbus's landing, from Cuba's status as a US protectorate to Batista's dictatorship and Castro's revolution, from Soviet presence to the welcoming of capitalist tourism, Havana is a place of extremes, a beautifully restored colonial city whose cobblestone streets pass through areas which have not been painted or repaired since long before the revolution.

Long live Mark's Havana!

Havana by Mark Kurlansky, £16.99,

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