Burnley company launches clothing drive to help keep homeless in Manchester warm and dry over Christmas

Julie Stirpe with some of the items that have already been donated to help the homeless in ManchesterJulie Stirpe with some of the items that have already been donated to help the homeless in Manchester
Julie Stirpe with some of the items that have already been donated to help the homeless in Manchester
A Burnley company has launched its second drive to help provide clothes and supplies for homeless people in Manchester to help them through the winter months.

Julie Stirpe Associates Ltd first ran the campaign in 2017 and it was a huge success as staff were inundated with large amounts of clothes.

This year the company, based at the Business First centre in Empire Way, has partnered with local charity Barnabus to co-ordinate the distribution efforts.

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The aim of the campaign is to give out warm clothing to the many people who may find themselves sleeping on the streets of Manchester this Christmas.

The company is now collecting donations of clothes, food and any other resources that could help the homeless.

Anyone who would like to get involved with the collection is asked to contact the company to let staff know what you can offer.

Donations will be accepted until Friday, December 21st. The office number is 01282 685345.

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